Magic Mill DLX Assistant Sale on Amazon?


does anybody know if they are having sales on the Magic Mills on amazon? Usually they retail for $800 but I just checked and looked and saw one on there for $589?

I thought the sales would be in late november. What is your experience with the Magic Mills? are they good?

Two things:

1.)  I love my Electrolux Assitent DLX (Magic Mill).  I purchased it on Ebay for $200 6-7 years ago.  It was barely used then.

2.)  Are they good?  They are good at what they do.  But do you need a tool that does what this one does?  (Would you buy a tack hammer to drive a stake into a concrete block?  Of course you wouldn't.)  You can answer that by defining your needs.  I make smaller batches of dough with my 6qt KA and larger batches with my Electrolux Assitent (DLX).   If you make larger batches of dough (maybe 4-5lbs of flour) choose the Electrolux.

But all this is one man's opinion.  Put "Magic Mill, DLX, Electrolux Assistent" into the search box at the top of the left hand margin of this page, click "search" and start reading