Now, I realize this post has an extremely limited audience, but is there anyone who frequents The Fresh Loaf who is familiar with the sandwich rolls baked in Brooklyn by Margaret Palca? She has two retail locations, one on Court Street, and one on Columbia, and her sandwich rolls are the perfect sandwich rolls! I worked nearby for 14 years, and now have no reason to commute there anymore from the BX, and have been trying to replicate these rolls at home, to no avail. Some of the threads regarding NY Hard Rolls get close, as they are crusty on the outside and have extemely fluffy/billowy crumb but these rolls have a stronger yeasty flavor than the regular NY Hard Roll. I wonder if there is by any wee chance, someone who both knows these rolls, and who is a nerdy baker like me who tries to reverse engineer commercially wrought breads who has had any success (at all- I have not even come close) who would lend their experience to a total stranger? Or any chance Ms. Palca herself reads this forum?!? I only want them for home consumption, and though the thought often crosses my mind, I find the 3 hour roundtrip to buy them directly somewhat prohibitive! (and they really only keep for a day, lest I bought her out weekly and gorged myself...I guess I could freeze them...)