Greetings from Colorado


Hello fellow bakers.

Melanie from Greeley, CO checking in here. I am SO excited to have found this website, I love to bake bread but sometimes struggle with it. I look forward to learning from you all. 


Welcome to this wonderful site! 

I don't know how long you've been lurking about.  If you've read what I've written to newbies before, then move on now.  But, on the off chance you haven't, here are some suggestions. 

Practice, practice, practice.  Then report on your successes and failures to the rest of us.  We love to learn from others.

Read TFL regularly.  Follow up with reviews of questions especially relevant to your own interests.

Before you post questions, use the search function to its fullest extent.  Few questions asked haven't been asked in the past.  You'll get your answers and more through the search.

Lots of questions are answered in the video section.  Use your favorite search engine for videos as well.

Learn the distinction between cookbook and textbook.  I recommend using a textbook over a cookbook, especially when you're at the beginning.  Texts teach from the ground up in a way that cookbooks don't.  I have lots cookbooks and texts.  All have something to teach.  But I recommend a short textbook to start.  Try Dimuzio's Breadbaking.  It's quite elegant as a place to start.