My Whole Wheat Bread Recipe -- thoughts are welcome


Here is my recipe for Natural Sweet Whole Wheat, Please make a comment or suggestion on the recipe and thoughts on how you might make it better.

1.5 lb Whole Wheat flour

.5 lb White flour

1/2 cup rasins purreed

1/2 cup honey

1/4 cup orange juice, squeezed from 1 orange

1 tsp instant yeast

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup wheat bran

2.5 Cups warm water

3 tbs veg. oil


Use a two stage method of combining all dry and then all wet (rasins, honey and orange juice as wet)

Mix all ingredients, knead breifly to incorporate all the ingredients.  Let sit up to 1 hour for any absorption of water into the whole wheat flour,

re knead upwards of 5~10 min until smooth

let rise til double (up to 3 hours), punch down (adding small amount of flour as nessessary) and shape into 2 loaves.

Let rise till upawards of 2 in out of pan

Bake 350F for 40 min.