Made a batch of dinner rolls for company tonight.
one pound of flour
one teasopoon table salt
one teaspoon instant yeast
edit to add: 1 tablespoon sugar
Combine one egg
six ounces of whole milk
water to make 68% hydration
two tablespoons of chicken fat or whatever.
Combine and autolyse for twenty minutes, knead lightly oil the dough and refrigerate over night. shape while still cold the next morning. Bake 375 20 minutes or less.
I really like the shape. Are they pessed out as circles and then folded in to half moons? Love the chicken fat too. Always looking to use the gallon of smaltz accumulating in the freezer . I need a car that runs on the stuff:-)
Your rolls look perfectly done, soft and flaky - like little pillows.
I rolled the cold dough to about a quarter inch and cut three inch rounds and folded them.