Hello from Newport Fife Scotland


As in Subject line.

Been reading around the site and thought I would join in as I really like what I see. Been baking sourdough for 6 months mainly on a trail and error sort of way, which is great as I am a QC scientist and all should be done by the SOP. Have to say things have improved since I started baking in a closed cast iron pot and then taking the lid off after 20 mins. Clearly there is lots and lots to learn and I will be sure to be posting a question or two in the near future.

Thought I would post a pic or two.... maybe next time, that seems to be beyond my powers!

Best wishes



to our little part of the baking world. I'm sure you'll find it handy. Just use the search function for the first bit and you'll do fine. There's a great bunch of us around. Now for you. I have been trying to perfect an "Oatcake" recipe. No, not a scone, nor a shortcake, but an oatcake. Much like a shortbread cookie, I have been using a recipe for a "Cape Breton Oatcake" from the Maritime region of Canada (Caledonia, really) and it is very good, but I would like to lend some authenticity to it. If you have any old recipes for this kind obiscuit, I would appreciate it. Mike in Clare, Mi.

Hi Mike

Thank you for the welcome. I've not actually baked Oatcakes myself, they are something we eat quite a lot and you've probably given me a good reason to start. Will do some research and get back to you with my findings.

Hope all is good with you.

Andrew j


I live just outside Newport - Newport in Shropshire.  Welcome to TFL it is a great resource for the home (and professional) baker.

Happy Baking