Hi all I agree with my fellow English member this site is the business, I like the fact that on this site we can cross fertilise ideas and techniques from Europe and the States, we get used to your lingo you get used to ours. This applies to products, measurements etc. I was talking to my supplier of baking products in the UK an he mentioned that there are more males who bake bread and have taken up this hobby. He also said that the States were heavely into baking bread because they recognised the NEED for good flavoursome bread which they cannot buy easily in their area. I say three cheers for that as we can join in and enjoy the benefits of this fantastic hobby.
Hello Bakeation
Weolcome to TFL. There are a lot of UK-based bakers here and even more experienced and helpful bakers who have already posted about the fruits of their labours. Use the search bar (on the top left of the screen) if you have any questions but if you don't find answers that way, just ask away on the forum.