Today I took a drive to my local flour mill and picked up 200 lbs of flour 150 lb of AP organic and 50 lb of super sprout, which I have never tried, should be good based on the reviews.
1 bag of the AP flour is for me and half the super sprout is mine, that should last a good long while. I usually do a couple loaves a week and a dessert once a week. As far as storage I just put it in plastic bins with no problems, however, I usually only get 25 lbs at a time for myself so I may have to freeze some.
super sprout? I'm guessing it is some kind of sprouted grain that have been dried and milled? Sounds like it could be a real time saver.
You have to bake a lot!! Where do you store all of the flour? I want to buy in bulk but don't have a freezer. Happy baking!
1 bag of the AP flour is for me and half the super sprout is mine, that should last a good long while. I usually do a couple loaves a week and a dessert once a week. As far as storage I just put it in plastic bins with no problems, however, I usually only get 25 lbs at a time for myself so I may have to freeze some.
The super sprout is this:
The lady at the mill said it is milder than whole wheat and taste great, I'll do a loaf this weekend and find out myself.