There were a couple of requests for this recipe when I posted a picture previously. Sorry it took me so long to post this recipe. This recipe turned out very well. I just need to find the time to make them again. I'm trying to insert a picture, but I don't have much luck doing that on this forum. The picture is somewhere on this forum.
1 t. yeast
1/2 t. sugar
3 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 1/4 cups lukewarm water
1 1/2 t. salt
3 TB Olive oil
2 t. (total) mixed herbs (resemary, oregano, basil - or blended Italian herbs)
Put yeast, sugar, 1 cup of flour and all the water in a bowl. Stir well to dissolve yeast and sugar and mix in the floiur. Add in the salt, olive oil, and herbs and blend well. Stir in rest of flour to make a soft but manageable dough. Knead for about 8 minutes on a floured surface. Put into an oiled bowl and let rise until doubled in bulk.
Divide dough into 6 pieces. Knead dough pieces lightly on a floured surface, then press or roll out into ovals about the thickness of a pizza base. Repeat with the rest of the dough then place the panini onto a floured surface, cover with a clean tea towel and leave to rise for an hour. Preheat the oven to 375-400 degrees. Bake the rolls for about 7 minutes or until puffed but not too brown.
To grill the panini:
Cut in half lengthwise keeping an edge attached like a book. Fill with a mixture of your favorite cheese, meat, vegetables, and herbs. Do not stuff the rolls too full; four ingredients is really enough. Heat an electric sandwich grill or a cast iron stove top grill and toast the panini until golden brown, cheese is melted and the sandwich is hot. I lay another small cast iron pan on top of my sandwich to get those nice grill marks, then turn the sandwich over to grill on the other side.
Here are some good combinations:
pepper turkey, white cheddar, roasted red bell peppers and parmesan or asiago mixed into some mayonnaise
Monterey Jack, cheddar, tomato, mayo, and fresh pepper
soft cream cheese, ham, Genoa salami, provolone or colby
smoked turkey, 1000 Island, cheddar cheese, and slaw or saurkraut
turkey, cheddar, mayo, and cranberry chutney
roast beef, provolone, roasted red peppers, and chopped green olives
tomato, salami, spinach leaves, red onion slices, and provolone
I'm sure you can come up with your favorite panini sandwich!
Here is a link to my photo of the panini rolls: