I'd like to invest in some baker's linen, like this: http://www.amazon.com/Imported-Professional-Bakers-Couche-inches/dp/B006X3ZVMK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1332251826&sr=8-3
I'm curious to know if it's flexible enough to place in a bowl, for a boule shape, or if it's only meant for proofing baguettes. Thanks!
Consider breadtopia.com and brotform.com also. You can probably get a couche and one or two dedicated liners delivered for close to the shipped price of the Amazon couche.
is SFBI: http://sfbi.com/linen_canvas_couche/vmchk.html
Thanks for the other websites. I don't have to go to the big guys!