Hello there, first I must say, your post have been a great deal of help to me regarding starters.
Now my question, I began a starter on Saturday using KA Whole Wheat and OJ
Days 1 thru 3 went great had bubbles and rise on day 3, went flat just like you said it would.
Day 4 (today), I mixed, and removed 1/4 cup of starter and placed in container.
I then placed in 1/2 cup flour, and 1/2 cup distilled water. I was a little upset when I went back to your post and realized I was only suppose to use 1/4 cups instead of 1/2's
Here is what it looks like about 10hours after. Is this o.k., or is it ruined and I should start over again from the beginnning. I dont mind starting over if this one is shot.
Thanks again,
Tattooed Tonka
It will be just fine. The main reason for using only 1/4 cup is so that you don't have so much waste when you have to discard. Your starter isn't going to care at all! It is looking good, by the way.