Hot Cross Buns


This is part of the 40 dozen Hot Cross Buns our church baked as a fund raiser. We used Hammelman's Breasd recipe scaled to a 4 dozen batch size.   There were 7 of us baking so it didn't get so hectic when we started weighing and forming. The really cool thing about this project was that all the dough was mixed by a 15 year old in our parish that loves to bake. He arranged with his teacher to be away from school and received credit in his food class for helping us.  He had  a ball. It is great to see a young person be so enthusiastic about baking.

Since all of these were pre sold, we were unable to accomodate the folks who stopped with the "Gee these smell great. May I buy some" Lesson for next year.


Three more pix of the Hot Cross Bun project that Warren Posted about.


Guess I'm unclear on posting pix.  I seem them in the preview but not the message.


Hi Dick,

Dragging and dropping pictures doesn't usually work -- following the steps here is usually the way to go --  but there is a trick I can do to make them work anyway.

Nice buns!


Thanks, Floyd.  I finally figured it out, but you beat me to the punch!  We had a great time, long day, tired feet, but worth every effort.
