Dropping in from NorCal

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

Hello, TFL!  I've been lurking here for a while, and thought it was time to join and introduce myself.  I live in NorCal (on the Peninsula just south of SF), am a working dad with a lovely wife and three kids.  I have baked off and on over the years, and have recently been bitten by the sourdough bug (no pun intended!)  I have already saved links to a couple dozen recipes that I want to try from this site, and am doing the math to figure out how much more exercise I'll need to get daily so I don't put on the "freshman 15" as a newbie here!!  :)

Thanks for all the information that you so freely share here, I'm looking forward to participating, learning, and maybe coming up with a trick or two I can share.  ....and if anyone wants to talk BBQ, I'm your guy (are five grills enough for one guy?) :)


Great folks in here with loads of patience and always ready to help. 

Happy Baking !

with best wishes from a PG transplant,



Thanks for the welcome.  I live near Stanford University, about 25 mi south of SF.  Gotta drive another 90 minutes south to get to the Monterey Peninsula.

