Greetings from Toronto


Hi All,

Been baking with instant yeast for a few years now but an interest in sourdough and a search for good flour brought me here. I made a decision to bake more bread (partially to justify the upgrade from a 4.5 to a 6qt kitchenaid mixer) and happily, haven't bought any bread for a couple of months. No duds, either and my neighbours are very happy with the give aways!

Thanks to the resources here, my new starter is happily bubbling away, almost ready for a 1st bake. In the mean time, I've been making and enjoying the rustic bread recipe using my new brotforms ( and, having consistant results with a few runs at the recipe as written, playing with different flours- most recently a 3/4 red fife and 1/4 whole rye version which turned out quite well. The pic below is a red fife and AP 50/50 rustic bread.

Looking forward to next week when I can try my 1st sourdough. Haven't quite decided what to make, but I'll post my results!

Anyway, thanks to all the contributors and especially the folks that maintain the site. Great resource and community!
