It's less than a month away for the UK & Beyond TFLers Get-Together on Sat. 18th February in Oxford.
We've got quite a healthy number of participants already, but we still have places for couple of people if anyone is interested. A rough outline of the event is as follows.....
1) On Sat. 18th February, 2012, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm- ish. Please arrive at the venue (below) by 9:45 am for registration, etc.
2) Venue - The Bear and Ragged Staff, Cumnor, Oxford
3) Please bring a homemade loaf you baked yourself for 'Show & Tell" session in the morning.
4) "Bread Storming" session in the afternoon for Q & A/sharing info, tips, bread-related topics.
5) Cost - L. 20.- which includes lunch, tea/coffee and cakes/desserts.
If you're interested in joining us or want to have more detailed information, please post here or PM me ASAP.
Just to add FYI, A few of us are driving to the venue from various part of UK, so if you're lucky enough to live in their area or somewhere on the way, you may be able to get a lift, if it works for both sides without too much inconvenience.