Hobatr 10 Qt. Mier


I hae the oppourtunity to pick up a used-and obviously aged- Hobart ten quart mixer for a very decent price. I can't take advantage of anything bigger as I just don't have room for a stove big enough to utilize the output from a 20 or 30 qt. Anyone have first hand  experience with this size mixer? I bake only bread and am stil using my 22 yearl old KitchenAid KSM5. Thanks folks. this is the greatest resource  I have ever encounterd. PhilipG

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Hi PhilipG

I have a Hobart 20qt mixer from 1957.   They are great machines and will not give out.   Your flour capacity in the mixer will be 3kg max, so bear that in mind when working out production needs.

Best wishes


That would be plenty. I currently, and in fact for the last 17 years or so, have been using a 5 qt. KA to make my standard batch. It calls for a total of 4lb. of flour, plus water. So the step up to a ten qt. mixer should be great. I don't want to bake a bigger batch as I have nowhere to bake it, but\ my ovens will each handle two 1 3/4 LB loaves, about the size of a dinner plate. It will be neat not to have the mixer be quite so over taxed. PG