Question on Onion Roll ???

Profile picture for user taurus430

Hi, I've made onion rolls from Norm's recipe on here and was wondering if anyone uses an egg wash before baking? I have been and not sure where I got it from. I make 1/2 a batch, or 16oz flour not the full 32 oz and I know that it needs about 1/2 an egg added and I used the other 1/2 mixed with some water for the wash. This helps in browning and holds the seeds on. Today I was looking over the recipes on here and don't see this about egg wash and it's been a while. Maybe it could be from the Kaiser roll recipe ???? I'm glad as I got the knack of uploading my pics now so I did edit this to show you.


there is nothing "wrong" about using it if you like it.  Your reasons are certainly sound, and if that works for you and you like the results, then just count yourself a baker.  Baker's do what they need to do, what they want to do, and what works.   I think your onion rolls look great!.  Congratulations on a great outcome.


nice picture, I've been laying off to make these, but everytime I figure I have enough time, and the kitchen isn't in disaster mode, some darn thing rears its head and blooy there goes baking time.