Attention Kansas City area TFL folks- Possible Meeting


Last month, Suzy R contacted me through the message service to inquire about whether or not there were any gatherings or meetings of TFL folks in the KC, MO area. The idea has been suggested at least a couple times over the last two years or so but nothing has ever gotten off the ground. Is there enough interest to make such a thing happen?

As far as I know, there are members between Topeka and the Columbia, MO area, including Lawrence, KS, myself in Leavenworth, the JO, KC, MO, Independence, MO, and a few of the outlying exurbs. My proposal is to get a list of any interested and then find a restaurant, brew pub, or pizza joint that's big enough and/or willing to let us meet there. The location would have to be easily accessible and convenient to the most people. Saturday or Sunday afternoon to early evening might be an idea for time. Besides meeting the persons associated with the screen names, recipes, starters, coupons, and sources could be swapped. Horror stories about bakes gone bad would undoubtedly be recounted. Let's face it people, the Chiefs won't be playing in the Super Bowl so something positive would be welcome, wouldn't it?

Leave a message for me over the next couple of weeks if you'd like to attend, have more ideas, or are willing to coordinate this. Otherwise, I'll  keep muddling through with the goal of a mid to late January meeting.

Jim Gemborys



Just let me know, like when and where...

Be fun and I am sure that I will learn a great deal from the conversation. 

Keep me posted and "Thank you"
