My Wood-Fired Oven


Here is a picture of the wood fired oven my husband and I built two years ago. We took a class at North House Folk School in Grand Marais, MN to learn how to do it.  Using plans from Alan Scott, and directions from Derek Luchesi, 15 people built an oven in 3 days. 

But when we got back home and started building our own, we realized that the plans without pictures weren't enough.  So we photographed each step of the way as we built our oven, and then wrote an illustrated how to book to help other people like us without a lot of masonry experience.  My book is called From Brick to Bread: Building a backyard oven.  I'm putting an advertisement for it on the for-sale page of this forum.

I tried to take as many pictures as I could when I built my AS oven as well. There is also a lot of good info on the web.

I am curious though, if you are collaborating with "OvenCrafters"? They sell Alan's plans.


I haven't done any collaborating with Oven Crafters, but then we didn't actually use AS plans.


i am wondering if anyone has bought the book terri is selling. if so, did it look useful? thanks, mike