New in this forum - Spain


Hi I live in Barcelona - Spain Great forum, I will really use some of the things shown here like videos, recepies etc.. I hope also solve some of the doubts I have sometimes.

It sometimes takes a while to see everything that this website has to offer.  I recommend spending time seeking answers to your questions about bread baking using the search function before you post a question.  It's a rare day that people pose questions that haven't been asked before.  The many answers have much to teach.  Seeking answers this way will be faster than posing questions and awaiting answers from readers.

I love the videos on this website, but I've found useful videos using a search engine (Google, Bing, and others). 

Since, to some extent you'll never know whose answers to a question are good, I also think that reading textbooks, not cookbooks, is more helpful.  There are many good cookbooks out there.  I use them a lot.  But I find that textbooks are better for teaching me about bread baking from the bottom up.  I know nothing about texts in any language other than English.  For a beginner, I always recommend  Breadbaking by Dimuzio.  It's the most thorough small text I've found so far.

Let me invite you to tell us about your successes and failures so that we can learn and help.  It's part of the fun.