I got this recipe from Ketex- der Hobbybrotbaecker (Ketex.de). One starts with a SD built according to the " Detmolder Einstufenfuehrung". The oats are roasted in a skillet and my doing is the soaker of the rye flour. Through the roasting of the oats the bread has a very nutty flavour, the crumb is very moist and the crust crunchy.
This is the original recipe:
85gr BF or AP
85 gr. Water
9 gr starter
mix and let ripen for 16 hours at 80 degree F
300 gr rolled oats
600 gr hot water
roast the oats in a skillet and add the water, let soak for 16 hours
Main dough:
all of SD
all of the soaker
475gr. BF or AP
120gr Rye flour
200gr. Water
21gr Salt
15 gr. fresh yeast
1Tbsp Barley Malt
Kneed till the dough comes together and let ferment 75 min. Put the dough on the table and make 3x650gr pieces. Round and let rest 20 min. Final shape, wet with a mix of egg and milk and roll in oats. Let rest again for 20 min, score and backe @ 465 for 30min. then 10 min @ 375F. Steam when you load the bread and let steam out after 10 min.
I soaked the rye flour in the 200gr Water also for 16 hours. I mixed for 10 min, 25min autolyze, 2x S&F at 30 and 60min.
There are more wonderful recipes on Ketex website, also very interesting information about traditional german "Sauerteigfuehrungen"
the website can be translated.
Hello bread basket,
What a gorgeous loaf!
I've been wanting to try a Detmolder bread, and I love the idea of a roasted oat soaker.
This post of yours is going in my 'Favorites'...want to try it out using a rye sour.
Thank you!
:^) from breadsong
thanks breadsong. I forgott to mention that the dough is VERY wet. Till the dough comes together it looks kind of dry. do not to be tempted to add water. See the percentiage of rye to AP. As I said the rye soaker is my doing (not in the original recipe). The SD is regular wheat SD.
Thanks for your reply; I really want to try making a bread using toasted oats as in your lovely example!
I'd like to try using my rye sour (maybe try to work in more than one build)...although I did come across an interesting post from hansjoakim re: Detmolder one-stage here: http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/15387/recent-bakes
(I included the link in case it interests you)
Happy baking,
:^) from breadsong
Uhm, although the bread has a good look the levain build doens't even remotely resembe the Detmolder process(es) used to make high percentage rye breads.
Hi, if you go to the website <<Ketex.de>> you will find the description of the Detmolder One Step process. And again see the percentage of rye to AP. It is not a high % rye bread!