Golden Raisin Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user codruta

Hi from Timisoara! This bread is adapted from Hamelman's book, page 172. A couple of weeks ago while making this bread, I posted a question on forum, link here. The dough felt very stiff, even though I increased the hydration a little over 74%. I omited the yeast from the recipe, and I adapted the fermentation time.

Overall formula was 348 g bread flour, 87 g whole wheat flour, 325 g water, 9 g salt, 44 g old fashioned rolled oats, 110 g raisins. (The prefermented flour was 15% from the total amount of flour, and the levain was liquid, at 125% hydration). First fermentation was two hours, with 2 S-F (it was a very hot day, that day), second fermentation was 8 hours in the fridge (overnight) and 1:30...2 hours at room temperature (in the morning)

This is how the bread turned out. I was surprised to see how light and open is the crumb, with all the raisins and rolled oats, and whole wheat in the dough. I think it was a good bread, we (me and my boyfriend) enjoyed eating it with butter and coffee, or cheese. The boule was a present for a dear friend blonde lady, so I don't have photos of the crumb.

I don't know why, but this bread makes me think of summer, hot sun, and laziness.

Complete recipe and more photos can be found on my romanian blog, with translation available, Apa.Faina.Sare., link here.


Hi codruta,

I see you enjoy stencilling like breadsong.

For a homebaked loaf, that crust is just about perfect.   I love the way the crust has shattered ever so slightly leaving little shards on your bread board.   The taste must be both delicate and delicious!

Best wishes


Thank you, Mebake, Thank you, Andy

Andy: I usually long for a crackling crust... but this time, I really wish that the stencil remained intact :))

Gosh, that's a wonderful pic of beautiful loaves! The stencil is really pretty, but what really drew my attention is the crumb! It's really amazing how open the crumb is even with oat flakes. Lovely!

 I have my own formula for raisin bread (I use a pack of pre-mixed raisins; golden raisins, green raisins, flame raisins, sultanas & ordinary raisins) , but I might tweak it a little to make it more Hamelman-ish, styled 'Corduta' way. Thanks for the inspiration. :)


Lovely stenciling and shaping, Codruta.  Really nice open crumb as well as a beautifully crisp crust.  Not much more you could ask for. 


Gorgeous breads codruta! The stenciling on the boule is lovely and the shaping of both your loaves is excellent, but the crust and crumb are the star performers IMO.  A shattering crust with a nice open crumb is, as Syd says, just about as good as it gets. It looks delicious, almost as if you've mixed a bit of your sunshine into the loaves as well.



Beautiful breads and photographs!  All a work of pure art.  You have quite a gift.  

Thanks for sharing and for the link to your blog. (I am so grateful that your blog includes translations into other languages!) This is a formula I want to try especially since I just bought a cute little flaker (FlikFloc).  A perfect reason to put it to use.  Plus I just happen to have some golden raisins in my cupboard.  They look so beautiful in your pictures - especially in the photo where you captured the light filtering through the crumb.

Take Care,


You are a very talented baked and your work is a inspiration to make me want to bake.  What lovely shaping, crumb, crust and stenciling.   The photos are just brilliant and mouthwatering.  A real shining example of artisan breads.

Beautifully made stencil.   I use a special knife made for stenciling.  It is called an X-ACTO knife.  I've tried using scissors and even a single edged razer, without much success.  You are very talented to get such a lovely stencil with a razor on a stick.



Is there a crack at the top of the boule?  That is amazing!  I have got side cracks but not top crack.  The bread must have sung beautifully :)

Yes, I agree with the other comments...lovely photographs!
