

I have been baking baguettes consistently for the past 4 months after taking the Artisan Bread for amatures class at the FCI NYC. However they just are not right.


I tried the straight baguette, then poolish, and today with pate fermente using the recipe from Peter Reinhart's Bread Bakers apprentice, its the best flavoured baguette with a really hard crackly crust, but my baguettes are not round, they seem to get minimal oven spring and turn out to be a bit flat. 

Dont know what else to do...? 

Can there be something im missing? 

here is my recipe today;

Pate fermente: 100%ap flour


2% fresh yeast

2% salt.

the pate fermente was in the fridge overnight tnen this morning I took it out and brought it to room temp.

Then I mixed my dough: 2 lbs pate fermente, 20 ozs ap flour, 1.5 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast, and 14 ozs water.

I mixed it in my kaid pro until I had a sticky dough thet gave me a weak windowpane, but the longer i mixed it the windowpand did not get any stronger.Then i fermented it for 2 hrs folding three times. 

I divided, and preshaped etc, scored and baked with home oven steam treatment.

