Here is today's bake. It is 60% white bread flour, 20% rye, 20% sifted whole wheat sourdough. The whole wheat was milled at home, but the rye was a store-bought type (I cannot recall which brand). I used the same overall recipe + procedure as my other recent breads. 25% for the leaven at 125% hydration, 46% for the flour soaker at 80% hydration. Overall dough hydration was 68%, with 2% salt. I used no baker's yeast. The levain and soaker were chilled overnight, and finished ripening at room temp in the morning. Mixed, bulk fermented for 3 hours, with a couple of S&Fs. Final ferment was quick again, only needed 40 mins. Baked on a stone w/steam for the first 15 mins.
The top part of the crust looks a little weird, but overall I am happy. Tastes good to me.
Happy baking!