Molasses Wheat Bread


There's an awkward name for a bread. It's the third of three recipes that I wanted to do this summer using ADY and it worked out well for me.

It's what I consider a fairly simple recipe using elements taken from Mr Hamelman's "Bread" and recipes I've read here on TFL. I also have to give out recognition to Codruta for her idea of using a paper grocery bag during the proof of a loaf. It's a great idea, simple and effective.

With very good flavor and a soft crumb, this 46% WW loaf is an excellent sandwich loaf IMNSHO. I already have the recipe posted on my blog and hope that someone will try it and send me some feedback.

For those who partake in the pleasures of the chile pepper pod, I also posted my recipe for a quick and dirty pico de gallo that will help "energize" you and liberate any stuffy sinus cavities you may have.

Comments, humor, and questions are welcome.