Whole Wheat W/multigrain soaker

Profile picture for user Mebake

I made this bread yesterday from Hamelman's yeasted prefermets section. I used 50% Strong white Hovis bread flour, and 50% Snowflake Nutty Wheat Flour. As the latter contains too much bran, i adjusted by adding some all purpose flour to the final dough.

I mounted two baking stones on two separate racks. The oven spring was better this way, i think. I used Sylvia's Steaming technique.. (very effective).

I cut some slices today morning, and the bread smelled strongly of buckwheat. I used buckwheat in lieu of millet called for in the recipe. The crust is crunchy, and the crumb is soft and satisfying. I love this bread!


Very attractive scoring, very even crumb!  I can see the buckwheat clearly in the crumb.  I bet that is nice and moist.  Good bake, Khalid.


Hi Khalid,

This looks like a really wholesome loaf...excellent!

Best wishes


Excellent use of grains in a beautiful loaf.  That's about as good as it gets, Khalid, well done!

Are you mounting the two baking stones above and below the bread, or both below for maximum bottom heat? 


What a great looking crumb, so wholesome and delicious, who wouldn't love this loaf on their bread counter 24-7.


Hello Khalid,
I do so enjoy seeing your beautifully-crafted whole wheat loaves.
The scoring is so attractive, as is the golden-flecked crumb. Gorgeous!
:^) from breadsong

Mmmm. That's a beauty Khalid, and so healthy looking! Beautiful even crumb and crispy crust, ..splendid!  I can just imagine the depth of flavour from the the look of your bake and going back over Hamelman's formula.

Credit to you for making some of the very best breads posted on this site with the flour availability issues you've mentioned in previous posts. It speaks volumes to your baking smarts and skills my friend.

Best Wishes,


Thank you Nico :)

Thanks, Syd. Actually, the buckwheat was dissolved into the dough, as i used a hot soaker, The grain you see peeking out is cracked wheat.

Thank, Andy. Someone like yourself saying that my loaf is excellent , is honoring.

Thank you Marcus. I mounted a fired clay stone above the bread, which sits on another stone.

Thank you , Sylvia :)

Thanks, Postal Grunt.. :)

Thank you Breadsong :) I learned loads from this site: http://www.sfbibakingcircle.com. You'll have to pay for a subscription in order to access the videos liabrary.. i think of it as an investment that improves my skills.

Thank you , David!

Thank you so much , Franko.. i ought it to almighty God, and this wonderful site..Without the encouragement and Help i got here, i would have been stuck on lots of baking issues.