I posted this question last week and when I checked back, I realized that I posted in the wrong place; see what happens when you don't post for here for awhile? <grin>
I have not been able to post in quite awhile; however, now that I'm back, I'm looking to purchase a grain mill. I have on occasion been using my Vita Mix to grind specialty grain's. The problem I have with using my Vita-Mix is, I think the flour temperatures at times borderline potential nutrient loss; in spite of my freezing the grain in advance. I already have the Universal Plus Bosch Mixer, and Home Grain Mill makes a grain mill attachment for this machine; it would save me a great deal of money if the attachment was worth purchasing. My question is this, has anyone in the group used this combination? If so what do you like or don't like about using the attachment? Has anyone compared this attachment to other available grain mills? Are you satisfied with the degree of fineness that you achieve using this attachment? Does the flour temperatures get hot when grinding wheat?
Thank you so much for your input.