Replication Bake of Emulsified Raisin
Yeast Water Loaf
For the initial loaf, see
In the initial baking of a loaf using emulsified raisins in the Raisin Yeast Water (RYW),
the loaf's crust came out a very dark mahogany color. The final rise took 10 hours, which was longer than my normal nominal 6 hour rise times. The flour used was 60% APF and 40% B/F, and the loaf volume was excellent. Loaf taste was a very pleasant, full bodied flavor without noticeable sweetness, nor raisin flavor, nor any trace of sour tang.
The previous loaf was developed over 105 hours from the start of the first of 3-levain builds, until the dough was placed in the oven. Also, the RYW culture was only 48 hours at the start of the levain builds.
In an attempt to get a better idea of how important the initial methods and ingredients were to the initial loaf’s resulting characteristics, this, 'replication' was made. The construction was was the same, however, the timing was shortened from 105 hours down to 28½ hours. The 40% B/F was replaced with APF. Also, the RYW culture was 7 day more mature at the start of these levain builds.
I specifically wanted to compare four points: 1/ Crust color; 2/ final rise time; 3/ loaf volume; and 4/ loaf flavor.
The loaf was perhaps very slightly lighter, but not to any significant degree. This leads me to believe the most significant factor in developing the crust color was the additional sugars introduced by inclusion of the emulsified raisin particles in the RYW levain.
The final rise time was 6¼ hours for this loaf. This is well with in the minor variations around the nominal 6 hour times I normally expect. So, the added maturity of the RYW culture &or the shorter total development times would seem to account for the initial loaf's long final rise. To decide the role of the longer development time, I have another loaf undergoing an extended development with the last of the RYW culture.
The physical characteristics of the crumb were fully comparable to those of the previous loaf. However, I felt that the very impressive full bodied flavor had suffered some from the shortening of the retardation of the final dough. That portion of the initial loaf's development was 45½ hours, whereas, this loaf development gave 10¼ hours to the final dough's retardation This loaf has a very nice flavor, but I do feel it does not fully match the full bodied quality the initial loaf had.
are the links to my baking logs in PDF formate for both the initial loaf, and this 'replication' loaf.
loaf's baking log at Google Docs link:
478g[Photos]_110619-1200 .pdf -
initial loaf's baking log at Google Docs link:
[Photos]_110615-1540 .pdf -
- RonRay's Blog
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Ron, In my last bake with yeast water I threw in the raisins inspired by your last post on the subject. As you said, just little shreds appeared in the finished product. I continue to read your posts with interest. Your latest looks terrific. -Varda
You certainly do some wonderful write ups too!
As always, an impressive study of the wonderful loaves you bake. I admire your ability to keep such accurate records of all that you do.
I plan to be systematic but something always intervenes.....a broken limb on a tree needing immediate attention, a job to supervise, ironing, dishes, shopping, laundry, dog maintenance....the list goes on and on and on :-) I happily move from one item to the next and my systematic observation plans just dissolve into the air....
I really enjoy reading all you contribute here and your latest is no exception. Thank you for sharing all that you do. My baking is sprinkled with little snippets of information I have gleaned from your blogging.
Take Care,
Now you have done it, Janet ! My hat no longer fits, since you have made my head swell with all those complimentary statements LOL
Thank you, pleasantries are so much nicer that criticisms... now go mend that broken tree limb ;-)