In the Bread Bible by Levy she takes a whole page to discuss malt, but not really Why one uses it other than to suggest for a bit more crust. Can someone out there tell me the different uses of malt? I have looked all over for it around where I live -Westchester County, NY-and no one has it, so, will have to get it from KA I guess. Thanks...Country Boy
Good info here.
more info. and a recipe I Googled.
Making and Using Diastatic MaltFrom April 1985 , "Drying Times" by Barb MoodyThis is taken from a reprint of an article that appeared in The Rodale Catalog and was sent to us by one of our subscribers.Diastatic malt has long been a secret of professional bread makers in Europe. It is made from sprouted grains that have been dried and ground. In bread recipes, it replaces the sugar or honey needed to feed the yeast and brown the crust. Because diastatic malt is full of enzymes and vitamins, it increases the nutritional value of the bread. In addition, the action of the enzymes on the yeast and flour improves both the flavor and appearance of the bread; it creates a finer texture and helps the bread stay fresh.
Diastatic malt can be made at home using wheat berries, purchased from a health food store, and your food dehydrator. When using it in bread recipes, remember that it is very potent and only a small amount is needed.
Don't forget that your dehydrator makes a wonderful place to raise your bread.
The method: Place one cup of wheat berries in a wide-mouth glass jar and add 4 cups tepid water. Cover with a piece of nylon net; secure with a rubber band. Let soak about 12 hours. Drain off water (save for soup stock or use to water your plants - it's full of minerals). Rinse well with tepid water, and drain completely. Repeat rinsing process 3 times a day for 2 days or until the little shoots are about the same length as the grains.
Rinse and drain once again. Place on teflon sheets and allow to dry at medium heat in your dryer. Grind dried sprouts to a fine flour in an electric grinder or blender. This will yield about 1 cup of diastatic malt. Store in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator or freezer. It will keep indefinitely.
Hamburger Buns
It sounds as if it is good to use but this ingredient is really never mentioned by people on this web site........Country Boy
No Whole Foods in our area. Levy in The Bread Bible uses it instead of sugar.... so it is good for crust and as a fancy sugar? ...
I use malt in some form all the time. I like the extra flavor depth it gives the Thom Leonard/mountaindog formula. I also use it in the no knead breads I have cooked in the cloche. Almost forgot the bagel recipe, some in the water and some in the dough. I have the powder form which I have gotten from Mike Avery at and also KA, and also the thick liquid that brewers also use. It's a lot like molasses which I have subbed when out of the real deal.
And many thanks to everyone for their feedback; I am glad I asked and am surprised to find it so widely used.
The answer seems to boil down to on the one side we have 'if the recipe calls for malt if you can't get it I'd just leave it out' and on the other side we have the 'I always use it'. Many thanks for all the responses. The referenced article is 12 pages long so I will have to read that to see what it says. Many thanks...
If I understand malt correctly, diastatic malt acts as
1) a sweetener/flavour
2) food (junk food some would say) to speed yeast growth
3) an enzyme to catalyze the yeast/gluten reaction
Sugars, including cane sugar, honey, and non-diastatic malt can provide functions (1) and (2), but not (3).
However, function (3) is not necessary for artisan bread where you will be doing long slow flavour development anyway, given the yeast plenty of time to work its magic on the gluten. So you can substitute some form of sugar if you want the sweetness, or just omit it altogether.
In _The Bread Bible_ RLB provides equivalent amounts for cane sugar and honey when she calls for malt.
Well, I read the article and found in the Summary that "Liquid malt is a very important intermediate ingredient in that it provides flavor, color and essential crust characteristics to bagels. Sweetness and nutritive values are also contributed by Liquid Malt. " If this article is correct and liquid malt is a "very important intermediate ingredient" then why don't most of the bread recipes on this Forum include it as a requirement? I am a Novice; everybody knows more than I do. So why do SourdoLady, FloydM, and all the other people who I sincerely and greatly respect on this Forum omit Malt from their standard recipes? They must have a reason and I know it is a good one but it is The Question that I am really asking. Does anyone have a guess? Many thanks...
As Mountaindog pointed out, some recipes call for additional malt in greater quantities as a flavoring, most notably in bagels and kaiser rolls.
You don't need it, though, to make good bread. Since I grind my own flour for whole wheat bread, it doesn't come with any malt at all, and I don't add any, and it comes out fine.
I appreciate your taking the time to walk me through the world of malt. It has been a bit vague to me up to now, so, now I know why. Thank you very much.
As for where to get malt syrup, best place is your local home brewing supplies store. Generally, they sell three grades of syrup, pale, amber and dark. The amber is best all-around. I've seen it in 1# cans and in 3.3# (1.5kg) cans, both in stores and online. If you can't use that much syrup and can't find it at the local health food store, you might consider buying some from a local baker.
Not a complete purist, but am I correct in assuming the use of malt would not be one of the authorized bread improvers in France?
Is there an "artisan" standard in the US either official or unofficial?
SD Baker
Charlotte Fairchild
Anything in beer feeds yeast and feeds Candida and causes swelling and is not alkaline.
I am not able to use malt because it increases Candida/yeast. I use stevia. I don't cook with stevia, although I have made jellies with stevia. When things are cooked they become acidic. I grow stevia and the fresh leaf does not taste like my jellies with stevia. There is also a sweetner that is made out of a succulent, but I don't handle that well.
I manage my insulin with stevia, Real Salt (a brand with minerals) and superhydration.
I am not a diabetic, but I could have been. What has made a huge difference in my health is The pH Miracle by Robert O. Young. The library has it, but most of what he says in the book is on his official site. People are coming off insulin with this.
Also, if you read The Book of Kudzu, by William Shurtleff, kudzu is alkaline and high in protein ans sweet and full of fiber with 60 medicinal purposes. One purpsoe is insulin health.
Maltodextrin in some stevia, as well as many, many products will make yeast and Candida grow. Maltodextrin feeds yeast. If you are going to use maltodextrin, it may be just as unhealthy to use sugars and yeasts and drink beer--and I know I cannot handle this. Kudzu is sweet, but only because it is related to snow peas and soy. It could ferment and it could also make moonshine (ethanol) and could be used as an acid based food if processed that way.
Candida and yeast overgrowth is rampant in diabetics, and can be found in thrush as well as other problems easily found and treated. One treatment may be to take out malt and yeast and sugars and change the pH of the food.
There is a lot of wisdom about using malt with other people and their responses above. If anyone would like to see what I do with kudzu, my site is