5 Grain Bread From Hamelman

Profile picture for user Mebake

Sometimes, one needs to bake bread without having to plan ahead. This is from "BREAD"'s straight dough bread

section that needs no planning ahead. 5 Grain bread is an enriched, wholewheat bread that contains rolled oats, eggs, oil, corn meal, and flax seeds It is 50% wholegrain, with 40% wholewheat flour, and 10% Rye flour. The rest is high Gluten Flour, and i used a good bread flour+Vital Wheat gluten.

Total time from mixing to baking is 3.5-4Hrs. it is a quick bread, a very very flavorful quick bread that hits its pinnacle when toasted, i guarantee.

However, being on a preferment-based bread diet for so long, i would say that this bread would never have appealed to me if not for the eggs, oil, and soaker that it had.

Overall, iam very satisfied with the outcome. Anything from one's oven is a blessing.


Sometimes, one needs to bake bread without having to plan ahead.

Quite right, Khalid.  Some very tasty breads can be made quickly, and sometimes you just don't have the time to do anything beforehand.

Anyway, lovely bake. Nice shaping.  I like the cross section pic. 



 They look great loaves, Khalid!

Your 5 grain bread's ingredients look very nice. I want to add some corn meal in my 5 grain bread when I try next time.

I like the way of making bread without any plans,which is fun, too.

Best wishes,


looks great I  want a slice makes me wanting to try this one out



I did this formula just last week but your loaves turned out a lot nicer than mine did.

Great spring, slashing and crumb.

Yes, it is nice to have a quick loaf to do when the need arises and this is a nice one with all the extra grains in it.

I have to agree about loaves using a preferment....I used to only use commercial yeast until I learned about SD here.  My family now prefers SD loaves too.  In the beginning they didn't but over time it has become their preference thanks to all the wonderful formulas posted here!

Thanks for posting your pictures of your very nice loaves.

Take Care,


(P.S. I think there is a new baking 'syndrome' here lately.  This one is with yeast waters.  Have you seen all the work people have put into it in the last few months?  Watch out! After reading some of the posts I was struck down with it too and only now am I recovering :-D )

Hello Khalid,

I love your breads and your spontaneous baking style (without planning ahead) too especially during summer months (in my case). Do you think it is necessary to add vital wheat gluten in this particular recipe for the warm weather baking even though you are using the straight dough method? You are adding vital wheat gluten because of high percentage of whole grain flour? I’m just curious; I hope you don’t mind me asking questions. I’m going to bake your last post recipe soon - HansJoakim's Rye leavened Pain Au levain because I’m craving for grilled vegetable sandwich. Thanks.


I've not made the straight dough version of this, but I love the sourdough version.


Hello Khalid,
Thanks for posting about this bread; a reminder of another of Mr. Hamelman's wonderful formulas.
It's nice to be able to make a really good tasting bread, on short notice!
Your bread looks really delicious and must be moist and tender with the enrichments.
Very nice! from breadsong


Thank you, Ron. Indeed, it was a very good bake, considering that it belongs to the "insipid bread" category.

 Thanks, Syd. As to the shaping, i have not given preshaped balls sufficient rest before shaping, which is obvious from the scoring result. I have also shaped the two batards you see at both sides a bit too tight, which lead to skin tearing. The one in the middle was shaped without much tightening, and the scoring opened nicely.

Thanks, Akiko. I'am yet catch up with your latest yeast water adventures.. What an inspiration Ron, you and others have  given all of us. Thank you.

Thank you chefscook!

Thank you Janet. Show us your results, we will be glad to help you improve, that is how we all learned.

As to the Syndrome, i don't think i'am ready for a new obsession, nor a syndrome thereafter :) I've enough baking syndroms as it is.


Hi, Kim! I used Gluten powder in lieu of High gluten flour, which is not obtainable where i live. Hot wheather has nothing to do with my usage of VWG, rather, it is the existance of Rolled oats , and corn meal (all contain no gluten), that necessitates the addition of a stronger flour that contains more gluten.

Thank you David! I baked it purely out of convenience, and was in for a surprise! It had a crunchy crust i never experience before, mainly attributed to the 2 eggs and oil. I left the oven door ajar for 10 minutes, so that may have dried the crust more.

Thanks, breadsong! it is all that, and more...! it is crunchy, and toasty with crunch crumb too! the family loved it..!





Dear Khalid,

If there is one thing I have learned about 'syndromes'  baking ones in particular - is that I apparently have no choice in the matter!  My eyes register something here and before I know it I am a gonner......

I have been hopelessly struck by the sourdough syndrome and it still has a tight hold on me.  The yeast waters got me too - I did try to resist but Ron and Akiko's posts were just to tantalizing and before I knew it - I had YW jars all over my house......

Things have subsided now but I never know when something else is going to hit..... 

So I always enter TFL with caution.....ROFL

Take Care and I am glad you have been struck with CBS because I have learned lots from what you posts! 


(I have backed off with pictures for awhile....got to be too much with all the YW to take care of....something had to go =;^)

I hear you there, Janet! However, i try to restrain my self from deviating from the path i set to myself: Baking a flavorful healthy bread at Home. Sourdough baking is an addiction i gladly accept, as i now fully appreciate the flavors and health benefits of sourdough starters. There is always room for experimentations in my agenda, but not with new leavens, as i try to perfect my way through Sourdough and preferments. One thing for sure though, if commercial yeasts go extinct someday, i will be nursing soaked raisins in no time!

Thanks for the compliment, Janet..!



I hear you.  I am new at this so I do get swayed but I have returned to my sourdoughs too as I get more consistent results with them.  To me keeping a small amount of starter on my counter is no big deal.  I like having it there and watching it change throughout the day.  I have learned a lot just by tending to it.

I first started baking just using commercial yeast.  I wasn't going to attempt sourdough thinking it way too complicated but somehow I got pulled into trying it and I was hopelessly hooked!  Took my family a bit of time to adjust to the new flavor - my daughter especially - but after awhile I can say they all now prefer the sourdough flavors.  In fact I baked my daughter's favorite loaf which is made with only commercial yeast and her comment was that it was too bland!!! (It had been her favorite but after not having cy for about 4-5 months her tastes have changed.....a lot is due to the loaves txfarmer has posted using 100%ww and sd....they are remarkable!) 

Today my sourdough is helping me bake a loaf of Vermont Sourdough but mine is with all whole grains since I do not use store bought flours.  My loaves always turn out different than the ones I see here that do use more refined flours.  I do not get the open crumb and my slashing needs a lot of work but the flavors are wonderful - or so my neighbors and family tell me....

Tomorrow it will be Noah Elbert's Maple Oatmeal loaf.  That one uses a  leaven and a poolish!

Take Care,
