The gift that went wrong - gender-specific bread!


I was intending to give today's bread to someone, but the dough was too long for the peel and the end stuck to the handle as I was loading it into the oven, pulling a bit of dough away. I think I'd better keep this one for my partner and I...

Gives new meaning to the term 'bread porn'!

OTOH, it's marvellous how the perspective changes when viewed from a different angle. But I still don't feel it's appropriate to gift a bread that looks like a...


Best of baking all!

...for your wholesome contribution to my tasteless post! All in the eye of the beholder!

It was a singer, and the crust is, indeed, crackly...nice spongy open crumb, too. But let me not derail this juvenile post with trifling observations on the quality of the bread. Goodness gracious moi, no!

What toppings do plan to put on that loaf?



...and well I understand your trepidation, Glenn.

Every response I considered sounded sorta indecent. So I'll skip ahead and just say I have now eaten the loaf to a state of decency. And now that the toppings question has been defused, I guess the answer is no longer of much interest!


.... sometimes a loaf is just a loaf ;)