by George, I think I've got it!
I find it difficult to follow a recipe whitout making a few small modification, even though I don't intend to in the beginning. This time i've increased the whole-wheat and rye flour quantity given in the formula (by ~10%), decreased the amount of bread flour, which in consequence made me increase the quantity of water. I'm pleased with the result, even if the couronne didn't expand as much as I would of wanted (I suspect it was a bit underproofed, and maybe a little underbaked??). I tried to slice the loaf after 3 hours, but it was still a bit warm in the middle, so I gave up and decided to wait until tomorrow. The crust is thick, and it shattered in pieces under the knife when I cut it.
I don't know about others, but since I bought hamelman book, my breads improved a lot. (I started baking bread about 2 years ago, having my starter since then, and I purchase hamelman's "bread" a month ago)
Recipe in romanian can be found here, translation available on the sidebar:
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If it tastes as fine as it looks, your in for some wonderful eating ;-)
Lovely work.
Hi codruta,
So you should indeed be pleased with the result.
Maybe "By Jeffrey, I think I've got it!"??
Personally, I think the qualifier in the title of this book is at least as important as the main title word. It speaks volumes: "A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes"
Still, Great Bread!
Best wishes
And I have the same question as Karl about the triangles. It makes a nice star pattern. It seems that your improvisation worked very well. -Varda
Lovely looking bread!
Congrats, Codruta!
Best of baking!
thank you all! This was my first post and I am overwhelmed by your kind words and encouragements. (and I hope I can make myself understood, because english is not my first language :)
for the couronne, I did not use a bundt pan (cause I don't have one), I used a frying pan and an upside-down little bowl, covered whith a floured towel, as shown in the first picture. I followed susan's instructions (, and as I inverted the loaf on the peel after the proofing time, the nice triangles remained on the bottom.There's a picture with the loaf prepared to be baked.
I also took some pictures of the crumb today, it's maybe a little denser than I would of wanted, but the taste is exactly as I expected: not too sour, whith a pleasant detectable rye and wheat flavour.
Hello codruta,
Your breads are gorgeous. I look forward to any future photos/blogs you may wish to share!
from breadsong