Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers announce focus topics for the June "Taste-and-Tell" event: Something Sweet + Yeast Swap.
***NEW: This event will be offered twice in June, on the 8th and the 26th, in response to the growing demand for spots at our "Taste-and-Tell" events.***
About the Event: The "Taste-and-Tell" is a monthly event, to which each baker is required to bring his/her own freshly baked, yeasted bread.
About This Month's Focus Topics: To this "Taste-and-Tell," we suggest you bring bread whose dough has a high content of sugar or other natural sweeteners. High sugar content poses certain technical challenges to us bread bakers; this event is an opportunity to introduce yourself to this subject--and share what you have learned with other bakers. We also invite you to bring a samples of the yeast(s) you use at home--commercial and/or sourdough--for the yeast swap. If participating in the yeast swap, please bring enough yeast to share with everyone present (a maximum of 12 bakers). And please bring a collection of your own containers (tupperware; disposable, recycled yogurt containers; etc.) in which to take home samples of others' yeasts.
Your Bread Is the Only Requirement: As always, please consider the focus topics not as requirements, but rather as suggestions to inspire your baking. The only requirement is that your bring your own freshly baked, yeasted bread.
To join the group and RSVP to events, please visit:
We look forward to seeing you in June!
bagel_and_rye, Organizers of Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers
Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers is a not-for-profit group whose mission is to support and inspire those actively baking bread at home. We meet in-person monthly to share our experiences and learn from one another.
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Here is a recap of last night's event.
Thank you to our bakers, who made it an educational and inspiring evening. We look forward to doing it again on the 26th!
Organizers of Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers