

Una bella gita a Berlino ... e non potevano mancare alcuni dei migliori forni Berlinesi. Una grande città perfetta per i ciclisti come me, bici, bici, bici, segale, segale, segale ... tanti chilometri e lo zaino sempre colmo dell'inebriante profumo del pane di segale. Portare mattoncini nello zaino non è il massimo per girare in bici ma ne valeva la pena.

A lovely trip to Berlin ... and I couldn't miss some of the best Berlin bakeries. A great city for cyclists like me, bicycle, bicycle, bicycle, rye, rye, rye ... so many kilometers and a backpack alway filled with the smell of rye bread. Carrying rye bricks in your backpack is not the best when you move by bicycle but it was worth it.

Questa volta sono stato davvero fortunato, bel tempo e tempismo perfetto per visitare giusto i più importanti forni della città. Inoltre, grazie alla mia faccia tosta sono riuscito ad infiltrarmi ovunque!

This time I was really lucky, good weather and perfect timing to visit just the most important bakeries in the city.

Iniziamo dalla grande distribuzione, tanto assortimento ma visto il contesto non ho potuto approfondire. Ho comprato solamente un Pan Brioche con uvetta nera. Molto buono. Siamo al KaDeWe.

Let's start from a big market, large range of bread but given the context I couldn't get into details. I bought just a Brioche with black raisins. Very good. This is KaDeWe.









Berlino è piena di panifici ed esistono catene di rivendite dedicate al biologico con molti punti vendita come BioBackHaus.

Berlin is full of bakeries and there are organic food chains with many shops around the city as BioBackHaus.

Tra i migliori forni artigianali troviamo Weichardt Brot. A conduzione familiare, macina direttamente in loco grani da agricoltura biodinamica Demeter. L'utilizzo di farine di fresca macinazione e di una lievitazione naturale con BackFerment portano a pani di ottima fattura. Il proprietario è stato davvero gentile, rispondendo alle mie domande e mostrandomi il laboratorio ed il locale di macinazione.

Among the finest artisan bakeries we have Weichardt Brot. A family owned bakery, they grind biodynamic Demeter grains. The use of fresh flour and BackFerment levain lead to great bread. The owner was really friendly, he answer all my questions and showed me the laboratory and the grinding room.

Tante foto ...

Lots of shots ...









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Qui ho comprato, su suggerimento del proprietario, questo pane di segale, puro senza semi. L'ho mangiato tutte le mattine a colazione con marmellata per 4 giorni.

Here I bought, suggested by the owner, this rye loaf, lean dough without seeds. I ate that every morning with jam for 4 days.


Inoltre ho comprato anche 1kg di segale integrale, appena macinata, ancora calda!

Moreover I got 1 kg of whole rye flour, it was still warm, just out of the grinder!

Il proprietario è stato veramente gentile, peccato che l'unico ricordo del pane italiano è quello del toscano ... mi ha detto "ma fate il pane senza sale?" Brutto ricordo, personalmente sono contrario al pane sciocco.

The owner was really kind, too bad that the only memory about Italian bread is that of Tuscany ... He said me "but you make bread without salt?" Bad memory, I'm not for saltless bread.

Un altro forno degno di nota è SoLuna - Brot und Oel. Pane tipico a lievitazione naturale cotto in forno a legna. Anche loro usano prodotti biologici.

Another remarkable bakery is Soluna - Brot und Oel. They have the classic german sourdough bread baked in a wood fired oven. They also use organic products.




Fortunatamente era un sabato mattina ed ho trovato un assortimento completo. Ho comprato il pane che si vede sul ripiano alto. Una mica tipica tedesca, un pane di segale denso con note acidule molto aromatico cotto in forno a legna. E' fatto con sola segale (riporta la commessa) setacciata (aggiungo io, come si può osservare dalla mollica).

Fortunately it was a Saturday morning and I found a complete assortment. I bought the bread that you see on the top shelf. A typical german miche, a dense rye bread with sour and aromatic notes baked in a wood oven. It's made ​​with only rye (the clerk reports this), sifted (I would add, as it can be seen from crumb).


Lunedì mattina ripasso davanti al panificio e guarda un pò che colpo di fortuna:

Monday morning I was near the bakery and look what I've seen, so lucky:



Domenica invece ho fatto una gita fuori Berlino a Potsdam. Mi sono fermato in una rivendita della catena Fahland Natürlich Bio dove ho provato un pane nero (Fahland's Schwarzbrot) con segale integrale, fiocchi di segale, semi di lino, semi di girasole, malto di segale, lievito naturale, sale e lievito.

Sunday I made a trip out of Berlin in Potsdam. I stopped in a shop chain Fahland Bio Natürlich where I tried a black bread (Fahland's Schwarzbrot) with whole rye flour, rye flakes, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, rye malt, sourdough, salt and yeast.







E' tutto.

That's all.


JoeVa, It looks like total bread heaven. I feel a trip to Berlin coming on ; - ) Cheers, Gary

Thank you for the fascinating post and wonderful photos of the bakeries and breads of Berlin!

JoeVa, that is a most impressive posting, and so well done as well. Thank you!


Thanks for sharing, Giovanni.  A picture truly is worth a thousand words and the assortment of German breads you've shown us is fantastic, but also quite a contrast from what you'd find in French or Italian bakery.

Vive la difference!


Thanks for that mini-travel brochure, Joe!  I was interested in seeing the prices they charged for a loaf.  Not too bad!

Joe, that was fantastic. Thanks for all the great pictures. What an inspiration.

I smiled to myself, looking at your shot of the slice of the lean rye without seeds, thinking there are people here who would obsess and tear their hair out over the greater density in the bottom fraction of an inch of the slice. It's about so much more than that, isn't it?

Your post is a wonderful tour of Berlin breads. I want to taste all of them!


You're making us all jealous!!! Thank you for your wonderful blog posts with all the beautiful photographs. They're a pleasure to read.

Hello Giovanni,
What an amazing bakery tour - I can only imagine the 'taste memories' you'll be bringing home from that trip!

The breads all look superb, and great-looking pretzels too; the stained-glass panel hanging in the bakery window;
freshly-milled warm rye flour! - so many lovely things.

Thank you for your all of your posts - your beautiful breads (and beautiful Italian language!) are a pleasure to see and read.

Grazie per aver condiviso tante splendide fotografie.
Thank you for sharing so many wonderful photographs.

(I hope that's a correct translation!)
from breadsong

What a great trip. I'm trying to picture you having to decide what to buy for the backpack. So many treats, so little space. Thanks for sharing your experience. Great bakery shots.


Very Satisfying Trip, Giovanni! All breads are mouthwatering.. great Writeup , Photos, Trip, and Blog!

Thank you Again


While I always enjoy reading your blog,  Giovanni, this one truly shines!

Such beautiful, amazing breads and bakeries.  

Thank you so much for the pleasure of sharing your travels.

and nice photos! And I'm sure there was a lot of other interesting things to see in Berlin, too. 

When I saw which bakeries you visited, I checked my book on best German bakeries and their breads ("Brot - So backen Deutschlands beste Bäcker") and found Bäckerei Weichert listed among them, along with their recipe for flaxseed bread.





Thank you for sharing all of your beautiful photographs!  I really enjoyed them all plus your commentary on what I was seeing!

I also had to chuckle to myself thinking how many tourists take pictures of breads!  Most take pictures of castles LOL
