In Switzerland Zopf (Braid) is a traditional Sunday breadkfast bread. Got this recipe from a booklet made by the "Verband Schweizerischer Bauerinnen und Landfrauenverband" <>
1kg BF
1Tlsp Salt
2Tlsp yeast
100 gr Butter
5dl (1/2liter) milk
1 egg
I rubbed the butter and flour with my hands together, added all the other ingredients, mixed on low speed till everything came together, autolyze about 25min, kneeded some but mostly slammed the dough on the table (what a fun filled, healthy energie release, give every slam a name if you wish :) ) till it felt silky. The dough slept outside on the porch (probably around 50 degrees). Got it in next morning, went for a walk with the dog 1 hour (this is not in the recipe), braided and let proof for another hour. Baked in preheated oven at 350 (recipe asks for 400, but my hubby does not like it dark). Braid has a silky texture and smells heavenly. Happy Easter to every one!
challah. Which, of course, is only just another Northern European-style white bread with flavorings. So what if it's got an ancient Hebrew name.