McDonald's Style Burger Bun


Out of curiousity does anyone have a solid recipe for this style of bread. ? 


 Factory bread?  I could but I won't.  I like humans.


If you knew what was in them you'd run!

You're probably looking for a store-bought style bun.

I like the idea of water roux in the "cotton candy" bread Mini posted in her response. 

I found "Wonder Bread Hamburger Bun" ingredients on the Walmart web site

From here you could approximate a formula; the percentages are an educated guess, based on my own experience. 

  • Wheat flour 100%
  • Water 61%
  • Yeast 3.3%
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup or Sugar 3%
  • Soybean (canola) Oil 3%

For the "Less than 2% of ingredients", the salt is essential. 

  • Salt (probably 1.9%)
  • Vinegar
  • Cornstarch
  • Wheatstarch
  • Dough Conditioners
  • Soy Flour
  • Lecithin 

Dough conditioners? Here's an interesting article on dough conditoners from Lallemand in PDF format, which list the types of ingredients in dough conditioners, what they do, and usage percentages in dough formulas.