I have not read this book. I have however found the book by Denay...How to Start a HOme Based Baking Busines Useful and also the book by Mimi Fix - Home Based Baking for Profit.
There is so much to know about doing this and the rules are hugely different county to county. I can say that if you contact anyone local to ask advice about markets I would be careful to not disclose if you are signed up to sell anywhere specifically. i have had some unfortunate 'territorial' encounters with a person concerned about encroachment on their customers. Ask general questions about the laws without getting to far into where and who you plan on taking your product to.
Best wishes,
In most states, your state department of agriculture and markets is responsible for allowing home-based food businesses. Currently, approximately half our states allow for some kind of home food businesses but it definitely differs from one state to the next. Occasionally, the county is responsible.
It's unfortunate that some individuals (as Stephanie cited) become "territorial" with business. They don't own customers. Actually, our real competitors are the large factory food companies that sell cheap wholesale products labeled as home style, home made flavor, artisan, hand made, or home-something.
If your state has a cottage law, then you have the legal right to be in business. If your state does not yet have this law, then cconsider renting (or bartering) to use a commercial kitchen. My book Start & Run a Home-Based Food Business has the business information. My new book Home Baking for Profit: Over 100 Best-Selling Bakery Recipes is about the kitchen-side of running a home-based food business. Currently there is a publisher's rebate for both books bought together. Contact me for details.
Mimi mimi@bakingfix.com