HearthKit - still available?


Hi all,

I recently received Daniel Leader's "Local Breads" copyright 2007.

One of the essentials, he recommended, was the HearthKit.

Sounds great to me - but apparently if no longer manufactuered or stocked.  Cannot find it anywhere.

If it is so good - why can't I find it in stock?

If it is so good - why can't I find it in stock?

You'll have to ask the company that went bankrupt. The breadies here that helped judge it "so good" didn't have any input to the business decision to not distribute it any more. "frustrating"...

That is the HearthKit (I have one), but if you follow the various links you will find that none are actually for sale.  That web site has been coming and going over the last 3 years, with various posts about "be back soon", but so far I haven't seen any actually for sale ;-(


Ahh.. Now I see what you're getting at.. I'd suggest keeping an eye out on Craigslist using a search string similar to the following (punch this search string into Google) :

"hearthkit site:craigslist.org"

That will return ANY HearthKits listed on ALL of Craigslist.. Someone is currently selling one in Dillsburg PA for $75 care of that search..

Hope that helps!

I have a hearthkit I don't use very often. If you are interested, please let me know. I can send photos so you'll see how it looks.