Hi to All



I am a novice baker - have been making sweet breads like banana, zucchini etc for a couple yrs..

I am new to bread making - my first attempt at the 5min bread was a total disaster - my family were threatening to use the bread to play catch :) - they came out that hard and dense.

Then I found a very patient person who walked me thru the process of making sourdough bread - and also gave me a starter - that one came out much better - my family atleast ate it all....

But I know I am not fully satisfied and can learn much more - then I accidently stumbled on this site....and love what I have seen so far.

I know I will learn lots of good things here...pls free to send some simple recipes my way - for me to start off on this journey!


Feel right at home here!  You can start with the lessons (tool bar top of page) to build up basic skills or dive right into the site search machine.  Like:   beginning sourdough recipe  and see where your search takes you.  If you want to come back to an article, click on the add to favorites at the bottom of the intro article and it will be referenced under your home page (under your name in My account) where you can pull it up again with a few clicks.  You can also go to your account, click on track, and get back to where you asked a question or have expressed interests.

You can also type short Questions into the search box and find discussions. Or just a list of your favorite ingredients. 

Again, welcome and explore!