San Diego bakers unite!


I know you're out there, San Diego-area bakers.  I've looked on Meetup, I've wrung out Google, and it seems our corner of the country doesn't have a social group for like-minded bakers.  So I propose starting up a group of bakers who enjoy bread and other baked goods, are in the San Diego area, and want to get together for some fun.  Whether it's trading recipes, finding a shoulder to cry on after a recent kitchen disaster, or just tipping back a glass of that other yeasted creation--beer--we can break bread together and enjoy the camraderie that is so evident among the happy bakers on The Fresh Loaf.

If you're in the area and interested, post a response or drop me a line.  Thanks and happy baking,


My call out for San Diego-area bakers got a mention in the Voice of San Diego.  They're going to help in the announcement to start this group so I'm hoping anyone interested will let me know.  You can post a reply, PM me here, or email me at sandiegobakers(at)  Thanks and happy baking,
