hello - new member

Profile picture for user loribe

just a quick hello - I hope to learn & share here ...I'm very enthused about learning sourdough techniques & trying starters from around the globe.  My husband & I have a local spice & seasoning business as well as I make natural soaps & gemstone jewelry ..and I have a hair salon too - not busy at all! ...anyway - HI!

Wow, you don't have anything going on in your life do you!  You sound like you might be a candidate for "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day", a no-knead dough technique for busy bakers. If you are interested in that you should look for the book by the same name.

Regardless of the kind of baking you are interested in, you will find this a great place to both learn and share.  The community is international, generous, and represents the complete specturm of bakers from the true artisan to the barest beginner.  Here you can find bakers to help you, to commiserate with you, and to cheer with you whether you are having successes or learning experiences.

Welcome to "The Fresh Loaf"

Oh, I see, you want to bake bread in your spare time.  I'll sign on the OldWoodenSpoon's recomendation for No Knead and Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a day.  All the same, welcome to the group.  When you have a few minutes, drop by to say hello and let us know how you're doing.

LOL ...yeah, in my spare time!  I actually have an 'article' from Mother Earth News ( I think) by that name - 5 minutes a day - so it must be an expert of some sort from the book ( Jeff Hertzberg & Zoe Francois) - I have made it in the past and as I recall it is wonderful bread - thanks for the welcome!