Gerard Rubaud Revisited


Like many here, I imagine, I like to try lots of different breads in amongst my rolling repertoire of regulars. I've been doing more new ones than regulars lately, but had a sudden urge to revisit one of my old favourites: Gérard Rubaud's bread, which Shiao-Ping brought to the attention of TFLers some time ago in a spectacular bake that was essentially her homage to GR: see here. Shiao-Ping referenced Farine's blog on Gerard Rubaud as the source of her inspiration. I acknowledge and thank Farine and Shiao-Ping for alerting me to this wonderful baker and his bread.

For those of you who have not tried making Gérard's bread, I'd strongly recommend you give it a go. It's not an easy one due to the 80% hydration of the dough. Whenever I make it, I wonder whether I'll find it easier than the last time. I use it as something of a gauge as to whether I've improved!

I'm still a bit hit and miss with the shaping. The dough can get very sticky and hard to handle. These days, I use GR's batard shaping method, which I prefer to Hamelman's or Reinhart's, but you need to be liberal in sprinkling flour over your working surface to avoid the unholy mess that can result if the dough sticks (to surface or hands, or both!). I also sprinkle some over the dough itself to make it a bit easier to manage.

Scoring can be a challenge with a wet dough like this one. I managed it quite well this time, but in my haste to finish the slashing and get the thing into the oven before it slumped flat on the peel, I scored it unevenly (see pic). Still, the rise ended up not too bad, especially considering that some ciabattas are less highly hydrated than this baby!

I basically stuck to Shiao-Ping's recipe directions, but halved her quantities, making a large single batard instead of a boule. I also altered the baking times as follows:

  • Oven on max (250C), load dough, drop to 225C. Bake with steam 15 minutes (I still use ice in a tray in the bottom of the oven and manual misting at the beginning of the bake...better results would surely result from using better steaming methods, such as those recently written up by David Snyder and Sylvia...must try them).
  • Rotate loaf, then bake @ 215C for another 15 mins.
  • Lower temp to 200C, bake 7 minutes, then out.
  • Cool for 2 hours before attacking.

The favours of this bread really are special IMO. I'd forgotten how damned good this is. Also, there's an intriguing quality about this crumb that I can only describe as a sensation of coldness when you bite into it. I've experienced that before with other breads, but not often. Tantalising stuff.

Anyway, enough of my blah. Here are a couple of pics:



Best of baking folks!


Great, Ross! Especially for AP flour, High Hydration Sloppy dough! The crust, crumb shaping, all look great to me.

Nice work!


BTW, i always preshape, rest 5 min and then shape high hydraion doughs. This will tighten up batards and will limit their spread on the peel.

The lovely breads you highlight here are a good example of a skilled baker. The interview and posting by MC of this colorful baker has helped me understand the natural leavan much better. I'm about to post about my Tartine breads which are a very similar product after an excruciating process. Well done Ross.


Rubaud's bread is well-worth reminding us about and well-worth bringing to the attention of recently joined members.

Hmmm ... I'm about due for a GR encore myself.


You know how much I admire your baking, so to receive a positive assessment from you is warming indeed.

Realistically, I think I'm always going to be in the rustic camp, but as long as the aesthetics are not too lacking, I'm happy with flavour over finesse. With access to the expertise of people like Rubaud, you're half way home right from the start.

Re your GR encore? Bravo, I say!
