High fibre cookies with nuts

Profile picture for user jyslouey

I made these cookies  while I was waiting for my bread to proof.  These are super easy and taste yummy.  The ingredients:

70g. unsalted butter

25g. golden syrup

30g soft brown sugar

90g plain flour

1/4 tsp sale

1/2 tsp baking soda

15g wheat bran

30g rolled oats

50g pumpkin seeds

25g cranberries / raisins

25g. whole almonds with skin, lightly toasted and chopped to smaller pcs.

25g pecans, as above 

30g dessicated coconut

1/2 a beaten egg

1-2 tbsp fresh lemon juice (I used 1)

1. Melt butter, syrup and brown sugar together in a small pot over low heat

2.  In another bowl seive in flour, baking sod sallt together and  mix in  all the dry indients (ie. nuts dessicated coconut etc.)  Mix well to ensure all ingredients are evenly distibuted.

3. Pour melted butter/sugar mixture over the dry ingredients, add 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice to the dry ingridients and mix until the dough binds into a loose ball.

4.  Place spoonfuls of slightly flattened cooked dough onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. (I got 12 cookies out of the dough

5.  Bake at 160C fro 15-20 mins till golden brown.

The above batter make 12 - 14 cookes (I made 12 and ate one as soon as they cooled down.
