Baker's Percentage

Profile picture for user tssaweber

To give my old KitchenAid a break I normally prepare two smaller batches of dough in a row, instead of one large batch. Unfortunately I forgot to account for the flour of the sourdough starter and adjust the flour of the first batch accordingly. No problem lets adjust the water with the second batch. What a stupid idea!! But with the slap and fold method of Bertinet ( I was able to get myself out of trouble and the result was pretty good. But let the pictures talk:  

Everything is looking good the starter is doing its work

What a mess

Ok a little more work than planed but the dough is coming together

And I begin to like it again


And the result, it smells and tastes so good.....

pretty loaves too!  Which score do you like the best?  :)

Thanks Mini

These are my rolls for lunch sandwiches and cut in slices, for "Swiss aperitifs". I like variety so I like all the scores as long as they look good! You know how easy it is to mess them up......


Ever since trying the "Bertinet Flip" method, I don't worry about wet dough anymore.

Well done!