Advice for those who have tried recipes and have failed...

Profile picture for user breadbakingbassplayer

Maybe this is unsolicited advice, but here goes... 

For those of you who have tried recipes and have failed, my advice to you is to make note of what went wrong, and try it again.  Try it again until you it works for you.  And keep trying until it comes out how you want it to.  This is the only way to get better.  Success is not a very good teacher.  Learning from your mistakes is...  This applies not only to baking bread, but life in general...


Hello, Tim

I have been in the situation exactly what you mentioned above. That is very encouraging! Thank you, Tim

Starter,Sourdough, French bread and so on....  

Stay hungry, Stay foolish...:)

Akiko that even if you do everything PERFECTLY, once in a while, something completely out of your control can throw a wrench in.  At that point, in baking, as in life, you just have to be satisfied you did everything YOU could to do it right.

Thanks for sharing that, BBB!

You are welcome!

I am after "better than the last time"...  Perfect is that goal that we are all after to some extent but never really achieve... 

A "master" is someone who as made more mistakes and failures than you have, and learned something from them...   So, should something go wrong, you will know how to correct or avoid that situation when it happens...


I really agree with you, Tim. I was really lucky that I made nice baguettes at the time, and  I completed my baguette's recipe although I didn't comprehensive with every processes why I was doing. Now I am getting know about these by making a lot of mistakes that are totally disaster. I know everything we start to learn never ends.... But I want to understand why not to make anymore same mistakes over and over.

Don't settle if you don't find out.
