Hi My name is Patrick from Modesto and my baking skills continue to improve but I have always been a visual learner. Videos help but seeing and sharing would be great. I've concidered taking a course in San Francisco but too much money for me and I am just a home baker .
Anyway i am curious if there any bakers in or around Modesto interested in a "baking club"????? Thanks Patrick from Modesto
Hi, Patrick.
I'm interested in seeing what response you get to your query. The only other active TFL members in the Central Valley that come to mind are myself in Fresno and Toni in Bakersfield. The next closest members to me are from the San Luis Obispo area. I'm not aware of anyone from Stockton or Sacramento, Merced ... Ceres, Keyes, Livingston.
It would be nice if there were a way to search the members directory on location.
Good luck with your bakers' club idea!
Hi David
I live in Bakersfield and have taken all of the SFBI courses about 10 years ago. You mentioned Toni as living in Bakersfield. I would like to get in touch with her to share experiences.
Ken Mitchell
Hi, Ken.
It's nice to know there's another SJV denizen on TFL!
Toni's TFL name is "belfiore." She may contact you directly, if she sees your entry. You can also message her. See the "Messages" link in the far left frame of any TFL page, near the top.
Make that two more. Bakers in the San Joaquin Valley, that is. I'm still here, but David's observation about "active" certainly applies to me. I've not been posting here on TFL all summer. I've barely had time to bake just enough bread, most of the time, to prevent bringing in store-bought bread. We've come close, but I've managed to stave it off. I've just not had or made the time to do TFL justice. It's a work thing. It happens every summer, and it is getting better.
Ken and Patrick, let me add my welcome to the chorus. This is a great place to share and learn.
Hello to Ken & OldWoodenSpoon in Bake-o...
This is awesome to find out I'm not the only person crazy enough to turn on the oven when it's hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk!
@David-thank you :-)...T
It would be nice. I guess I will serch locally . Good baking. Patrick
Hi Patrick,
I've thought this myself because I'm like you as far as a visul learner & even checked into finding any locals here in Bakersfield that might be interested. No luck so far & the only formal classes are at the JC for semester enrollment in their culinary degree program.
My friends all think I'm nuts since they just drive over to the Pyrenees Bakery or Great Harvest to buy fresh bread!
Good luck,
and keep up the passion . we are on the right path........ I think, Patrick