Hi all & recipe locations


Hi all,

I want to thank everyone responsible for this website.  What a great resource!

I have a question.  Is there a way to view the recipes in a "table of contents" or list form??

Yes, I know I can do a search, I just wondered if there was another way of finding different recipes.

I thought I had posted this question earlier - I apologize if this is a repeat.

Thank you,

Cathy Stoddard

Since this is a site designed as an electronic community, it is geared to discussions, not to provide an indexed database of recipes.  You will find recipes and formulae scattered throughout but they are there as part of a discussion.

The exception is the Favorite Recipes list on the left-hand side of the page.  You may find some others under the "Also on The Fresh Loaf" heading at the right-hand side of the page.

Some posters maintain a list of favorites specifically for recipes or discussions that they want to refer to again.  That doesn't necessarily help when you aren't the one with the list, I know.




Aloha Cathy,

I would suggest that one of the popular bread books, such as those listed at the top left of the home page, would be a good investment. To generalize very broadly, it is my perception that there are maybe seven or eight types of bread that vary widely from one another in terms of basic components and leavening. The rest of the artisan movement has to do with incorporating other ingredients or tinkering with techniques like sourdough, raising, and baking. That is where this site is unsurpassed.

I'd start baking the great basic types (sour, sweet, sandwich, grains, etc.) that interest you and then dig deeper into the ones you love.

My favorite book on bread is Artisan Baking by Maggie Glezer. It has a great survey of the whole field, many good recipes and an approachable style. It is available in paperback for a list price of $23.

Welcome to this crazy art (and craft).
