Found Wheat Montana white wheat berries at Walmart


I was surprised to find 25 lb of Wheat Montana Prairie Gold Wheat, (hard white spring wheat) at Walmart today for sale for $12.68.  I also was able to buy King Arthur all purpose flour, which our Walmart sometimes has had in the past, but not usually.  We live in Evansville, IN, so I was really excited to see both of these products at a more affordable price.  Before I've had to order rye berries and wheat berries through Great Harvest Bread Co, and had to purchase about 50 lb, so I am happy to have the 25 lb package.

I have found that the most reliable, local, place to buy wheat in bulk is the feed-n-seed type store.  Most towns have one, and most of them sell bulk emergency foods such as 10-bean soup mixes in 50# bags, wheat in 25# to 50# bags, 5 or 6 gallon food-grade buckets with lids that seal, etcetera etcetera.  Love the place!

