Flax bread; I'm getting better!

Profile picture for user shansen10

I'm getting better!  I used Hamelman's recipe for Flaxseet Bread.  I used ground flax instead of the whole seed, adjusting hydration, as I have read that one doesn't get full nutritional benefit from eating the whole seed.  I'm working on the scoring, and finally feel good enough about it to post a picture.  I was satisfied with the crumb, had lovely rise in the oven, and the taste is very good!


I use flax meal in most of my bread baking, including my award winning bagels. It gives the bread a nice flavor and the flecks in the dough make it look more rustic. I've found that about 2 teaspoons per pound of flour is a good amount, more and I think the flavor concentration starts getting a bit strong. In my experience it acts more like adding oil than adding a dry good, but the small amount doesn't appear to really affect the dough too much texturally.

And your loaves look excellent!

Profile picture for user shansen10

Thanks, Verminiusrex,

The more I bake, the more I want to bake!