Brick Oven Building Class - Massachusetts, USA. September 2010.


If anyone is interested, there will be a hands-on class in building a 4 foot by 6 foot, Ovencrafters oven here in Central Massachusetts USA.

We've scheduled the oven building class for three weekends as follows:

September 11, 12 2010
September 18, 19
September 25, 26.

We're still working out the details surrounding the class, but it will be hands-on, building a community oven (the 4 foot by 6 foot unit) for a local non-profit. Classes will probably run from 8:00 AM until 5 PM, and will be limited to 15 students to maximize student / teacher interaction.

We'll have more concrete details in a week or so, so please contact me if you're interested.

The instructor is a masonry teacher from the local technical high school, who has 20 plus years of experience in the masonry trades, and has built brick ovens before, both as a private contractor as well as part of his classroom work at the high school.

You can send email to cshustak att hotmaill dott comm.
